KazakhGirl's idea for President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev
1. The Strategic Plan 2020 - Kazakhstan's path to leadership
We are to:
1. prepare the economy to post-crisis development;
2. achieve sustainable economic growth due to forced industrialization and infrastructure development;
3. actively invest in the future for improving the competitiveness of the human capital;
4. provide Kazakhstani people with qualitative social, housing and communal services;
5. strengthen the international harmony, national security and further develop international relations.
2. Period of crisis - the time for right decisions
The world economic and financial crisis affected the economic growth rate, but did not stop our development. The total economic potential provided us stability in difficult crisis battles over three last years.
We protected the country's financial system, saved the major banks.
We didn't leave small and medium businesses in the lurch.
We obtained an unprecedented growth of 'Kazakh girls' in the government purchases of national and transnational companies.
We provided an unprecedented assistance to the agro-industrial complex.
The State assumed all costs for the completion of the equity building.
Due to the successful implementation of the "Roadmap 2009" program, 862 project on reconstruction of municipal housing have been implemented in the regions of the country, 737 kilometers of power lines, 1029 kilometers of water networks, 284 kilometers of heating pipes, roads, hundreds of schools and hospitals, cultural and sports facilities were repaired.
We have made such an important job at the first time, which has come down to every village. People are grateful to us - we did a good job.
Everything was done under my control, efficiently and publicly.
We have avoided a recession, because we knew what had to be done and did it quickly.
Great Nehru once said: "Success often falls to one's lot who act boldly.' And we acted boldly.
In 2009, the economic growth amounted to 1.1 percent, in industry to 1.7 percent. We entered a 'breakout group' of the countries with positive growth rates.
The gross international reserves and assets of the National Fund have already exceeded 50 milliard dollars, and have increased more than 25 times over the past ten years.
It is important to note that we have lost some money last year, and today the volume of the Fund is more than in December last year.
Thanks to the Fund, we not took only the anti-crisis measures, but also refunded the important assets to the state. These include the Ekibastuz State District Power Station-1, the "Bogatyr" section, our shares in Kashagan, Mangistaumunaigas and all three oil refineries.
The unemployment rate amounted to 6.3 percent, which is below than in the pre-crisis times.
Through the effectively implemented 'Employment Strategy' in the country, more than 400 thousand jobs were created.
We survived. Now we start to implement the Development Strategy untill 2020.
3. Implementation of the "Strategic Plan 2010" is an important milestone of country's development.
Since the adoption of the "Kazakhstan -2030" Strategy in 1997, we have made a long-term agenda, the main objectives and priorities of the country, which then got a logical development in the Strategic Plan until 2010.
We began to live as we planned and achieved the following results.
In 2008, we doubled the GDP volume, two years earlier than it was planned and effectively meet social engagements of the state.
Average monthly wages increased in five times, and the average size of pensions in three times.
Population coverage with incomes, below the minimum of subsistence, decreased in four times (from 50 per cent to 12 per cent).
The basic health indicators were improved.
The life expectancy increased from 65 to 68 years. A maternal mortality decreased in two times and the fertility increased in 1.5 times.
During ten years, 652 schools and 463 health facilities have been built.
Today, we have the medical centers of the latest world standards - the National Center for Mothers and Children and the Institute of Neurosurgery.
This year, we introduced the Cardiosurgical Center. The health service of Kazakhstani people is being improved in all regions.
Due to this, we will save thousands of lives of our citizens!
Taking into account our achievements, the UN included Kazakhstan in the category of countries with high human development in its 2009 report.
This is an indisputable evidence of our increased prosperity! During a decade, 350 thousand families were owners of housing-it is about 1.2 million people, and a total of 32 thousand kilometers of roads were build and repaired - it is one-third of all roads in Kazakhstan.
According to the "Kazakhstan 2030" Strategy, we have solved all the tasks outlined in the first decade of XXI century.
3.1 Diversification of the economy - the key to success
Sustainable and balanced development in the coming decade will be provided due to increased diversification and competitiveness of the national economy.
The most important task is to achieve a comprehensive growth in labour productivity.
In Kazakhstan, if you look at the economy as a whole, one worker performs for 17 thousand dollars in a year. In developed countries, this figure exceeds 90 thousand dollars.
The conclusion is very simple - we need to improve the situation, i.e. improve productivity and introduce innovations.
The assessment and financial assistance at all levels of management and control according to these criteria will be the main task of the Government.
Only the innovations will provide a sharp increase of labour productivity.
By my order, the Government developed a state program of forced industrial-innovative development and a detailed Map of the country's industrialization.
These two documents are a detailed action plan of what, where and how we will build in the next five years.
Today, we are talking about the realization of 162 projects with a total volume of investments of 6.5 trillion tenge, which is more than 40 percent of the GDP and which will allow us directly create more than 200 thousand new jobs just in the next three years.
A powerful gas and chemical complex, plants on the production of mineral fertilizers, a number of large power stations - Balkhash TPP, Moynak HPS, a new block of Ekibastuz GRES-2 and many others will be put into operation in the coming five years.
By 2014, we will reconstruct all three refineries and will be able to fully provide our domestic demand across the entire spectrum of petroleum products.
Every industrial project in each region must be taken under special control, not only local authorities but also the public ones. This work should be a national task throughout the country in the coming decade.
It is the only way through which we can enter the list of 50th most competitive countries in the world.
The implementation of the Program - 2020 should be the main basis of the work for NDP "Nur Otan". Nobody should stand aside, because it is the only way to provide a new economic growth in Kazakhstan.
We created a single management center (headquarter) for the implementation of the Program, headed by the Prime Minister, and centers in the region led by the Mayors.
We have to work so as we worked in 2009 with accordance to the "Road Map" Program.
The ministers, mayors are responsible for all the current issues. They are mobilizing all resources.
The industrial development is our chance in a new decade, new opportunities for the development of the country.
Kazakhstan will be a successful industrial power - I absolutely believe in it.
Another important segment of diversification is the development of the agro-industrial complex. Its development should take place in three main areas.
First, the emphasis should be placed on labour productivity growth.
A labour productivity in agriculture is the lowest and is about three thousand dollars per employee per year. While in developed countries the figure is 50-70 thousand dollars.
This is where the growth prospects for the village. Therefore, our task - is to increase productivity in the agricultural complex at least two times by 2014.
Only an agro-industrial diversification, i.e., a sharp increase in processing of agricultural raw materials, new equipment, new technologies and approaches in agriculture, is able to solve this difficult task. It is necessary to use the world experience and implement it in our agriculture sector quickly.
Second, the food security of the country.
By 2014, more than 80 percent of the domestic market of food products must be native foods. We have the opportunity to do so.
Third, the realization of export capacity, primarily it is the markets of the Customs Union, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Middle East.
We are already building the rail lines "Zhetygen-Korga" and "Uzen - the state border with Turkmenistan", which actually open an access to our products to the markets of China and the Gulf. "Western China - Western Europe" Road, which we are going to build, is an important backbone for the goods.
I would like to pay attention to the sectors of "economy of the future". Efficiently and effectively functioning national innovation system must be its foundation.
We have had already an experience in this area. We go further. In the framework of a new university in Astana, three new research centers will be created.
The Center of Life Sciences will conduct joint ventures with leading world scientific centers in the field of organ transplantation, artificial heart and lungs, stem cells and medicine of longevity.
The Center for Energy Research will focus on issues of renewable energy, physics and technology of high energy.
The Interdisciplinary Center will be an instrumental engineering center, laboratory depot and design office.
All these three centers will be established this year.
I am instructing the Government to develop cross-sectoral plan of scientific and technological development of the country until 2020 with the priorities of our industry in 2010.
It is necessary also to accelerate the development of the new Law "On Science."
It is important for our future development.
3.2 Competent trade policy - the support of the competitiveness of the economy.
Kazakhstan is an active participant of international processes in the CIS. The creation of the Custom Union with Russia and Belarus, which came into force on January 1, 2010, is a breakthrough of all Kazakhstani integration initiatives.
The next stage of integration of the three countries will be the formation of Common Economic Space since January 1, 2012. This is a higher level of integration, which will ensure free movement of capital and labour.
Supporting regional economic integration in the CIS, the Government should intensify the process of accession into the World Trade Organization on terms meet the priorities of economic development of Kazakhstan.
I think that now it is important to appreciate rightly new opportunities for our entrepreneurs, to engage seriously the development of effective strategies on entering new markets, build competitive advantages.
Of course, as they say, "where there is no competition, we sleep better, but life is worse. The Kazakhs are going to live better and will not let to prevent the implementation of their plans.
3.3 Investment Attraction
Obviously, for the realization of our plans on the diversification, public resources alone will not be enough. The foreign direct investments must be its main source.
The questions of investment in Kazakhstan were one of the main issues during my international trips. Many states see the essence of investing in our economy.
Today questions about attracting investment from China, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, as well as French, Italian, Russian companies in the amount of $ 20 billion are resolved.
These funds will be used in non-resource sector and will ensure the commissioning of dozens of objects of industrial programs, infrastructure and joint ventures.
We solve the issues of attracting investments to the highway "Western China - Western Europe" at a rate of about 3 billion dollars and 2 billion dollars to the pipeline from the west to the south of the country.
And this is all, except the investments in recourse sector, which constitute more than $ 10 milliard. As you see, a great work is done on ensuring of this program by financial and material resources.
We must create in Kazakhstan the most attractive conditions for investors, willing to work in our region.
Taking into account the priorities of industrial development we need new approaches to the functioning of special economic zones and industrial parks. I am instructing the Government to develop a new bill on special economic zones.
A mechanism of public-private partnership has a great potential to attract private investments.
We launched this mechanism in Kazakhstan, but it needs to be improved in accordance with international best practice.
I am instructing the government to make appropriate changes in the law on concessions in the first half year. In order to implement the principle of project financing we must create special design organizations with a special legal status.
3.4. Enterprise is the moving force of new economy
An enterprise will be the core of diversification.
We would like to see a strong entrepreneurial class, which is ready to take risks, cope with new markets and introduce the innovations.
The entrepreneurs are the moving force of economic modernization.
In this regard, I am instructing the Government to ensure the introduction of a unified budget program for the development of entrepreneurship in the regions in 2010.
I propose to call it a "Business Road map-2020".
The purpose of this program will be the creation of permanent jobs through the development of a new layer of entrepreneurship in the regions, especially small and medium businesses.
The use of this program should be carried out in the following areas:
- Subsidizing a note rate on loans;
* partial credit guarantees to small and medium businesses;
* service support of doing business;
- Retraining of workers and professional development, youth practice and social working places.
The "Business Road Map-2020" opens new opportunities both for business and for banks and investors on financing of non-recourses projects.
The Government, together with the Mayors should develop total funding limits by year, based on calculations of the economic potential of each region in three-year budget. These funds are transferred to the regions.
The Mayors are responsible for SME projects funded by the program.
I am instructing the Government to tell SEC of local executive authorities, who will become the regional corporations for business development.
3.5 Domestic products ate the indicator of success of the Plan 2020
The support of our non-recourse exporters should be a key objective of industrialization.
Kazakhstan's industry in export markets should be presented by the general line of domestic brands.
That is why the task of the Government is to create a complete support system for exporters, which provides the funding for acquisition of basic assets, service support of export, grants to exporters and export trade financing.
3.6 Regional Development - the development of the country
We are not able to achieve a forced diversification without the reform of regional development. That is why we need to start building the centres of economic growth. It is necessary to develop the oil and gas sector, chemical industry, equipment manufacturing and transport capacity in Western Kazakhstan.
In the center, north, south and east - the mining and metallurgical complex, nuclear, chemical and agricultural industries.
To develop the sectors on the base of domestic demand, near the traditional industries, as well as in Almaty and Astana cities.
To develop non-resources sectors with high export potential and AIC (agro-industrial complex) in northern and southern regions of the country.
Sectors of the economy of the future must evolve in Almaty and Astana.
A special importance will be placed on further development of our capital city, Astana, the city with a competitive economy, attracting for citizens and tourists.
The new regional policy is the most important part of the Strategic Plan 2020.
I am instructing the Government, together with the Mayors of regions, Astana and Almaty cities to carefully consider the issues of investment policy in the regions.
3.7 Basic terms of the Strategic Plan -2020
For preparing the economy to the global recovery and increasing its steadiness to external challenges we have to solve a triune task:
first, significantly improve the business climate;
second, to ensure the stable functioning of the financial system;
third, to continue a building of sound legal environment.
I am instructing the Government to reduce operating costs of business, associated with registering and doing business, by 30 percent by 2011, and by 2015 - another 30 percent.
By the end of the decade, the share of small and medium businesses in the GDP should be increased to 40 percent.
By 2020, Kazakhstan must enter the 50 most competitive countries with the most favourable business climate.
It is important to ensure the stability and steady work of the financial system.
It is necessary to make the local stock market to work, which should be a regional center of Islamic banking in the CIS and Central Asia by 2020, and enter the ten leading financial centers of Asia.
The regulation in the domestic financial system should adequately meet the challenges and threats of the post-crisis world.
The financial regulator should provide the decrease of share of external liabilities of the banking sector in the aggregate amount of its liabilities.
Thus the bulk of foreign loans should be aimed at establishing efficient and competitive industries.
We need to cut off banks from the explicit or implicit affiliates, hardly see to banks that engaged exclusively in banking, and that their activity will be very transparent.
We helped for banks to survive in a time of crisis, and now banks have to vigorously help to the economy in its post-crisis recovery and development.
The National Fund has become as 'safety cushion' for us in a crisis period. Now its goal is to become a guarantor of stability and prosperity.
The Government must give serious attention to building the capacity of non-raw materials incomes of the budget.
By the end of this decade, the non-oil budget deficit should not exceed 3 percent of GDP. In the future, it must be reduced to zero.
Starting from the current year, a guaranteed transfer to the national budget will be fixed in the absolute amount - $ 8 billion.
The transfer should be directed primarily to the implementation of industrialization.
No loans from the National Fund, no other additional transfers to the budget will not be.
With these approaches, the assets of the National Fund should increase to 90 billion dollars by 2020, which amount to not less than 30 percent of GDP.
I am instructing the Government to introduce me for approval of a new concept of formation and use of the National Fund in the first quarter of this year.
As a whole, by 2020 we must achieve the following main results of accelerated diversification of the economy.
The share of manufacturing in GDP should be at least 13 percent.
The share of non-raw materials exports in total exports should rise from 27 to 45 percent. Labor productivity in the manufacturing sector should be increased by 2 times, in agriculture - at least 4 times.
The power intensity of GDP must be reduced to not less than 25 percent. The share of innovation active enterprises should increase from 4 to 20 percent. Already by 2015 the export potential of agricultural sector should be increased from 4 to 8 percent, while domestic demands for construction must be provided by Kazakh building materials to 80 percent.
This is a specific task facing the Government, Mayors of all levels. That's what we ask. Therefore it is necessary to raise the responsibility of managers of all companies and businesses. This is a global issue, the question of statehood, the question of independence.
During five years, the Government should provide the doubling of production and export of metallurgical products, tripling the production of chemical products. By 2015, the budget incomes from new projects are expected to grow to 300-400 billion tenge, reducing the dependence on raw-materials sector.
4. A man is the main wealth of the country.
A successful implementation of the strategy of the country's modernization depends on knowledge, social and physical well-being of Kazakhstan.
4.1. Education
By 2020, all children, both in urban and rural areas, will be covered by preschool education. We have a huge potential of public-private partnership. Private family kindergartens and mini-centers are an alternative for state institutions.
I instruct the Government, together with the mayors to develop and already to launch in the first half of this year the "Balapan" special program, aimed at improving the welfare of children in preschool education and upbringing.
The Government must take all necessary measures in order that the 12-year-old model of education will be successfully operated in the secondary education by 2020.
The training and technical education should be based on professional standards and tightly interconnected with the needs of the economy.
The quality of higher education must meet the highest international standards. The Universities of the countries should seek to enter in the ratings of the leading universities in the world.
The National innovation system must fully operate by 2010 and by 2020 it should already yield the results in the form of development, patents, and prepared technologies, introduced in the country.
A special priority in education sphere will have projects such as a unique institution - "New International University", "Special Fund" and "Intellectual Schools", which is already working successfully.
I agreed that they were of my name.
We must do everything in order that they will become the leaders of the national educational system, will be the main area for the development and testing of advanced training programs with the aim to implement them throughout the country.
For the full functioning of these educational organizations I am instructing the Government to develop and submit a bill to Parliament in the first quarter of this year.
4.2. Public Health
The health of the nation is an integral component of Kazakhstan's success in achieving its strategic goals.
Today we are preparing to introduce a system of financing and payment of medical services, results-oriented. We have created all the necessary basic conditions for the effective system of drug provision.
50 per cent of medicines will be made in our country.
It is necessary to accelerate the introduction of amendments to the legislation of the republic on the activities of public enterprises in the field of education and public health.
A healthy lifestyle and principle of shared responsibility of people for their health - it should be a major thing in public policy.
The sports infrastructure, which we are preparing for the Asian Games in 2011, will create the necessary prerequisites for the development of mass physical culture sports movement, forcing the region to Sports infrastructure, which we are preparing for the Asian Games in 2011, will create the necessary prerequisites for the development of mass physical culture sports movement, forcing the regions to keep up with Astana and Almaty.
The Ministry of Tourism and Sports, together with the Mayors need to identify joint activities for the development of mass sports in the country and to translate them into reality.
Up to 30 percent of Kazakhstan should be involved in mass sport.
Only in this case we will see the progress.
This is a task of the Government.
The complex of government measures on construction and equipment of health facilities, training, healthy lifestyle must halve the maternal and infant mortality by 2020, reduce a total mortality by 30 percent, and reduce the incidence of T.B. by 20 percent.
At the same time the life expectancy will increase to 72 years. Behind these dry figures there are thousands of saved lives of our citizens. It is an important goal. And we must achieve it!
4.3. Improving of life quality and social protection
The major task of the coming decade is an improvement of life quality and living standard of all Kazakhstan's citizens, the strengthening of social stability and safety. And the state will create all necessary conditions for the increasing of population to 10 percent by 2020.
The population's employment is a priority in the state social policy
The target I am setting is: by 2020 the unemployment rate should not exceed 5 percent, and the share of the population with incomes below the living- wage - no more than 8 percent.
Social services should be provided only to the needy citizens and meet modern and living standards in Kazakhstan.
By 2015, the size of base pension payments must be increased to the level of 60 percent of the living-wage, while the size of state social benefits - increased by 1.2 times to 2010.
We are consistent in our actions. Last year, pensions, scholarships, budget wages were increased by 25 percent, social benefits - by 9 percent on average.
In the national budget for the current year, pensions and scholarships will be increased from January 1 by 25 percent, and- from July 1.
I believe that the positive dynamics of economic growth last year allows making a 25 percent increase of scholarships and budget employees' wages three months earlier - from April 2010. I instruct the Government to take necessary measures for it.
4.4. Care about veterans
This year we celebrate the 65th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War. This is an important date in our common history.
Each participant and disabled veterans will get a one-time assistance of 65 thousand tenge from the budget.
A financial support will be given also to individuals equated with the participants and invalids, parents, spouses of soldiers, killed during the Great Patriotic War, the spouses of deceased invalids and equated invalids, home-front workers.
Besides, in connection with the celebration of 65th Victory's anniversary, 383 million tenge will be allocated for travel privileges for participants and invalids of war.
This is a tribute to our fathers and grandfathers for their selfless struggle and victory, for providing us a peaceful life.
4.5. Policy in the housing and public utility sector
The crisis prompted us to revise the policy of the housing construction sector's development. I believe a system of housing construction savings has enormous potential for it. It is necessary to use the principle of equal partnership of citizens, Zhilstroysberbanka, state and constructing companies.
What does it mean?
The citizens save up the part of the housing cost in Zhilstroysberbank and have the opportunity to get a cheap real estate loans.
Zhilstroysberbank creates a pool of citizen's housing preferences, seeks for constructing investors and second-tier banks willing to finance housing construction acting as an eventual building owner.
The state, represented by local executive authorities, provides a land allocation and wrap-engineering services.
Thus, the citizens will be able fully participate in the construction of their homes. Both reliable demand and controlled construction will be provided. In 2010 I am instructing the Government to continue reconstruction of the housing and public utility objects started within the "Roadmap 2009" Plan and by 2011 to develop a large-scale modernization of housing and public utilities until 2020.
Upgrading of the housing and public utility infrastructure should be accompanied by a reduction of exploitation costs and the introduction of resource-saving technologies. More countryside residents must be supplied with the running water. 100 percent of townships' population must have an access to good-quality water.
5. Foreign Policy
Kazakhstan's foreign policy will be based on the Concept of Foreign Policy.
There will be an active, pragmatic and balanced foreign policy aimed at ensuring national interests, raise the international prestige of the country and the strengthening of national, regional and global security.
Kazakhstan intends to participate in global decision making in the formation of a new architecture of international relations and the contours of the world trade and financial system.
Kazakhstan will actively promote the strategic dialogue between all the existing systems of the collective security.
Kazakhstan is fully aware of its role as a responsible participant in regional and global economic processes and immaculately performs it during all the years of its independence.
Therefore, the leaders of major countries and heads of the authoritative international organizations - from economic to humanitarian - consider themselves Kazakhstan's friends.
We should be proud of it.
Due to our high international reputation Kazakhstan is chairing the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
It is a great honor to us.
It is the highest responsibility to chair the OSCE in the most difficult period of the modern history.
The OSCE, with its unique geographical body of the participants - 56 states, from three continents, with its rich experience of interaction is one of the key mechanisms of international security and cooperation.
We have already indicated our vision of the presidency in the OSCE.
There is no need going into details.
The motto of Kazakhstan chairmanship in this most influential organization in terms of security is: "Trust. Traditions. Transparency. Tolerance".
We will work together to seek ways to resolve the many topical issues and work out joint mechanisms for prevention of possible critical situations.
We'll do our best that the OSCE will be the structure recognizes the diversity of the world of the XXI century.
Many the OSCE member-states backed supported Kazakhstan's plans and my proposition to hold the OSCE Summit in Astana this year.
I proposed to discuss most topical security issues in the OSCE responsibility zone, the Afghan situation and tolerance-related issues at the summit.
Our chairmanship in the OSCE is aimed at development of security and prosperity of all the world nations.
Dear Kazakhstanis!
Esteemed Members of the Parliament!
As you see, we are ready for a new phase of our country's development. We have never dealt with such a complicated and scaled task before.
We carefully analyzed and estimated our possibilities for the coming decade.
The Development program up to 2020 will be published in media. We know what will be done and built every month as well as where and how. And what is most important, it has been already mentioned, all our actions are secured by necessary financial resources.
We know what difficulties are ahead. The world crisis is not over yet, but its critical phase has been passed. I warn you, as I did last year, that force-major circumstances can affect our plans, but our general line will stay unaltered.
This is the core and importance of our program.
Everyone will have an access to good-quality health care.
Good-quality education from kindergartens to universities will be available to each family countrywide.
The quality of housing and public utility services will considerably improved.
Pensioners, disabled and poor families will be protected.
Our youth - the bedrock of our future, will get new opportunities to build their future.
These are the new opportunities to each of you, your family and our state.
We pooled our efforts to attain our strategic goals assigned in the Development Strategy until 2030 and we are successfully carrying out our mission - the mission of building up an independent, prosperous, politically stable Kazakhstan.
We pin our hopes on members of "Nur Otan" party in the implementing of tasks of the coming decade, who will factually take the lead in this work.
Dear compatriots!
In conclusion I want to say: together we have managed to make Kazakhstan well-to-do and together we will make it prosperous.
6. Internal political stability is a solid foundation for the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2020
The maintenance of accord and stability in the society, strengthening of the country's security are the main objectives until 2020 in the internal policy and national security.
In the new decade, we will continue to improve our political system; sustainable political modernization will reinforce our economic accomplishments. And the legal reform will be crucial.
We have a serious work on reforming law-enforcement system. Today, unfortunately, we all can see its problems arising from poor governance, conflict of functions of law enforcement, lack of adequate personnel work, and lack of transparency and control over activities of the law-enforcement system.
This sector has inherited many multiple lapses of its predecessor. The penalty system envisages less than 5 percent fines, 0.4 percent correctional tasks, 0 percent community service. The main punishment is an imprisonment. Nobody deals with rehabilitation of those who are at large.
As a result, they swell the number of criminals.
I would like to focus on several general directions of the reform.
First of all, it is necessary to optimize the law enforcement system, specify the competence of each state body.
We need to humanize our laws and improve their quality.
The law enforcement system must shift accents from internal interests in protection of human rights and state interests.
We will have to provide strict parliamentary and public control, for this reason the system of accountability and performance evaluation of each law enforcement body must be improved.
Performance criterion should be not quantitative indices but the quality of work itself, the indicator of which will be more trust of citizens, legal entities and foreign investors.
In other words, in the new decade, we need a new law enforcement system, meeting high international standards of the law enforcement service in a democratic state. An appropriate draft has been already drawn up on my instructions.
I instruct the President's,Kazakhstan prisoners, Administration, the government, Supreme Court,kazakhgirl, law enforcement bodies to get down to this comprehensive and systemic improvement of the legal space right now.
I instruct to bring a bill on law enforcement system's reform to the Parliament this year.
Dear Kazakhstanis!
It is impossible to perform all these ambitious tasks without a unifying national strategy.
If we want to succeed, each of us has to be guided by following principles:
First - our Motherland, the independent Kazakhstan!
Second - the State and every citizen refuse any steps, both at home and abroad, that could badly affect on the stability of society and Kazakhstanis' well-being.
Third - economic growth - is everyone's business. This is a key to solving the priority social problems, to the well-being of the entire society and each Kazakhstani.
Fourth - integration in the regional and world markets is a main basis of the development.
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